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Life Size Jesse Ventura/Pigs Eye Beer Display
Item #123732543
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Currently $46.00 First bid $45.00
Quantity 1 # of bids 3 (bid history) (with emails)
Time left Auction has ended. Location Minnesota
Started 06/27/99, 14:47:48 PDT envelope (mail this auction to a friend)
Ends 07/04/99, 14:47:48 PDT [Gift Alert] (request a gift alert)
Seller breineck (173) star
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High bid bretspet@aol.com (139) star
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My Governor can kick your Governors %#@*! Maybe when he is drinking Pigs Eye beer! Here is your chance to own your very own autographed "Jesse The Bod Ventura" Pigs Eye beer stand up display. Measures 6' 5" tall and is in mint condition! See photos. Minnesota's new Governor and ex flamboyant wrestler. Very hard to find item! Don't let this one get away! Money order is preferred payment. Personal check to clear first. Buyer to pay shipping and insurance. Please email any questions. Thank you.
On 06/19/99 at 14:35:45 PDT, seller added the following information:


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