General stuff about Cursor, Inc.

Eight-page color brochure about Cursor and MediaTransparency (696KB PDF file)

Mike Tronnes


Rob Levine


Some research by Rob Levine:

Is the Center of the American Experiment for Republicans Only?
Minnesota Law & Politics, August 2000.
(Winner of the Gold Medal from the Minnesota Magazine and Publishers Association, 2001)
How The Conservative Philanthropies, C. Boyden Gray, and the Law & Economics Movement Nearly Sank the Federal Regulatory State
(Using tax-exempt funds)

KTCA's Face to Face:
The 'Right' Stuff Gone Wrong
Minneapolis Star Tribune

Interesting stuff at

National Media Watch

Twin Cities Media Watch

Jesse Ventura Watch

Cursor's Al-Jazeera Link

Dossier on Civilian Victims of United States' Aerial Bombing of Afghanistan:A Comprehensive Accounting

Interesting stuff at

The Federalist Society: The Conservative Cabal That's Transforming American Law

Milwaukee Genesis Where George W. Bush's "Faith-Based" initiative really comes from

The Economic Religion of Michael Novak: Wealth Creation vs. the Gospel as in Using Catholicism to Prop up Neoconservatism

Wisconsin's Exploding Prison Population: The Bradley Connection

Bradley Foundation makes $13 million omission in its 1997 IRS Form 990 Report
Discovery by Media Transparency forces conservative funder to re-file with IRS

Don't look to Wisconsin as model for welfare reform

Conservative Professor Paul Peterson's work on school voucher programs raises serious ethical issues

The Bell Curve: Roadmap to the "Ideal" Society

The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation

Institute for Justice