Cursor, Inc.

Media Kudos for

Utne Independent Press Awards / Best Online Political Coverage

December, 2004

Radical cousin of CNN's scrolling news bar, Cursor provides a timely digest of news from a wide selection of mainstream and independent sources, as well as links to political blogs, commentary, and satire.

" is an indispensible part of most every Internet day of mine....invaluable."

Tom Engelhardt / TomDispatch
July, 2004

"If you've been paying attention to the kind of stories that Cursor chronicles every day, it's almost impossible to believe W. could be elected president of his church's septic-improvement committee -- to say nothing of the rest of the country."

City Pages (Mpls./St. Paul)
May, 2004

"A news junkie's dream come true... significant stories with superb paragraph summaries of the links. Indeed, you can scroll down Cursor each morning and you have your own private news briefing."

Moderate Voice
March, 2004

"In terms of indispensable, Cursor is by far the best news digest out there -- an essential daily stop on my own web wanderings."

October, 2003

"I love Cursor, it's the best news source out there."

Jeralyn Merritt/TalkLeft: The Politics of Crime
June, 2003

Thank you for the great website...Cursor is a very popular site here among the staff. A day doesn't go by when I don't read it.

Mike Burke/ Democracy Now!
April, 2003

"Cursor's value as a clearinghouse for nonofficial versions of current events has continued to grow.... one of the best news-link sites on the entire Web."

City Pages (Mpls./St. Paul)
April, 2003

"Simple, beautifully designed clearinghouse offers a stack of informative links every weekday. If you only have time to read one political Weblog, bookmark this one."

Todd Morman/Independent Weekly (Durham, NC)
March, 2003

"Cursor is doing a great job and filling a real need for 'progressive' but not ideological information."

Eric Olsen/Blogcritics
March, 2003

"While the mass media spews out a steady stream of updates and wire copy, smaller outfits such as, the Village Voice and are more contemplative in their coverage of the [Iraq] conflict."

The Age (Australia)
March, 2003

"Whenever I'm asked, 'What are your favorite sites?' I always say if I only check one for a quick take on news that matters to me, it's"

John Moyers/Tom
February, 2003

"An excellent roundup of current events and links. If you are concerned that no one is questioning certain government policies, you will be relieved that is."
October, 2002

"A near-unbeatable site that gathers articles from the major newspapers around the world that managed to escape widespread publication. The more you learn about what's going on, the more you know what desperately needs to be changed, and Cursor manages to dig out those little details that most people would just like to forget about. Truly excellent."

Iowans for Peace
October, 2002

"A fantastic resource for stories you're otherwise likely to miss."

September, 2002

"Cursor is indispensable if you want to keep up with all the really important news in a condensed, very readable format." Rating: A-plus.

Justin Raimondo/
June, 2002

"The best media round-up on the Web."

Brendan O'Neill/Spiked
May, 2002

"You're doing a fabulous job with the Cursor site. I know I'm there every day."

Bill Berkowitz/Working for Change
April, 2002

"Always useful...excellent rundown of the day's news ... The site where Tom Tomorrow usually starts his morning, at least after he makes the bed and walks the dog and takes a shower and drinks some coffee."

Tom Tomorrow/This Modern World
April, 2002

"Just want to say that I thoroughly enjoy your site. It's really one of the best places to go to get war news (and other stuff)."

Eric Umansky/Slate's "Today's Papers"
March, 2002

"The mass of information available on Cursor offers a thorough, alternative view and a critique of current events and political happenings."

Jody Servon/Palm Beach Institute of Contemporary Art
"" Exhibit March, 2002

"I admire what you're doing with Cursor... keep up the great work."

Norman Solomon/Fairness & Accuracy in Media (FAIR)
January, 2002

"One of the better independent news sites out there, with a wealth of Drudge-like links, too. Nothing like a cold blast of Midwest honesty."

J.D. Lasica/Senior Editor, Online Journalism Review
January, 2002

"A progressive news magazine focusing on world news and alternative media perspectives. Lots and lots of links to opinion pieces by syndicated and non-syndicated columnists and writers."

Bill Stiegerwald/Pittsburgh Post-Gazette December, 2001

"No offense to Bill O'Reilly, but if you want to venture into a real "no-spin zone," check out Cursor. This site out of Minneapolis prides itself on being the most comprehensive, cut-to-the-chase news source on the web."

Willamette Week
October, 2001

"If you really want to pierce through the muck of the corporate press, make it a daily habit to visit, where the spinners are unplugged and the real stories are told."

Jeffrey St. Clair/Editor, CounterPunch
September, 2001

"Cursor keeps a wary and irreverent eye on U.S. media, offering both original material and articles harvested from respected publications such as Salon and Mother Jones."
July, 2001

"The relentlessly feisty media watchdog. It bristles with intense well as handy links to dozens of useful news, media and political sites."

Brian Lambert/St. Paul Pioneer Press May, 2001

"Well designed, vivid, cartoonish graphics and shot-from-the-hip editorials coupled with more links than you could shake your stick at make this a real winner."

SmackDabMedia March, 2001

"A welcome contrast from the sliced-white-bread tone of so much modern mass-media journalism."

"Best of the Web"/Forbes February, 2001

"Cursor covers the Twin Cities and national media, providing critical analysis, as well as links to interesting media articles and Web sites."

Minnesota Guide/Minneapolis StarTribune December, 2000