Cursor, Inc.

Readers Praise

"I just found your site. Fabulous!"

Michael R.

"Since last fall when I discovered Cursor, I can't go a day without visiting the site several times. In a post 9/11 world, you are invaluable."

Faith M.

"Kicks Ass! I'm glad I found you, especially in these sick and twisted times. I NEED news and yours is a one stop shop. Shine on you crazy diamond."

Joe D.

"Your site is fabulous, and I read your article suggestions a couple of hours every day. You should be constantly reminded that your efforts are much appreciated."

Carl L.

"Cursor is amazing! I use it every time I'm about to write a story. Please keep adding more good links in that sidebar."

Josh G.

"Love your site; visit it every day. You've got a real talent for sniffing out the news and for writing meaningful, concise summaries. Amazing how quickly you get it done every day. Keep it up. You're essential."

Michael M.

"Thank you for your work on Cursor - it is an amazing resource for all of us who are living in this country and trying to figure what's going on."

Antonio R.

"Thanks for being a beacon of light in the darkness of traditional media outlets. Please continue giving us the best of alternative news!"

Casandra V.

"As a new visitor to your site, let me just say I am incredibly impressed! I now visit you every day for the myriad of sources and editorials you link visitors to. Thank you."

Aaron C.

"Cursor is the FIRST PLACE I GO when I log on, to start catching up on the news. I do it everyday. You are my morning paper."

Rebecca W.

"Cursor has replaced the New York Times as my first stop on the Web each day. I'm consistently impressed by the range of your sources, the intelligence of your links, and the simple, powerful design of your website."

Anthony F.

"Did a skip and jump down both sides...remarkable. And the daily tidbits are priceless. This is an outstanding publication."

Feli & Russell S.

"Great site! Lots of excellent articles and enough humor to keep me from becoming miserable."

Michael J.

"Cursor has become more of a religious practice to me. I am a Christian Arab from Jordan who loves and believes in America very much, but is sick and tired of the ignorance, and misinformation. Mainly jingoism. Most of it comes from watching coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict on Fox News for three months straight. I have since abandoned the network. Why watch TV when I can get two sides to every story on Cursor?

M. Kalize

"Just got wind of this most excellent and subversive site. Thought I had them all bookmarked already: Guess not. Will check back often and have sent this link to others, some of whom will be pissed. Good for them. Good for their circulation, too. A little anger keeps the blood from settling in your feet. Keep up the good work."

M. Johnson

"Ever since a friend of mine pointed me your way back in November, Cursor has been the single most important resource -- bypassing even the substantial contributions of Berkeley, CA radio station KPFA -- in my constant struggle to get the Whole Story. You and your staff are on my Heroes List; as soon as I have the means, I plan to cut you a check. Until then, you have my sincere and profound gratitude and admiration."

Robert T.

"Wow! Just stumbled into your website. Great stuff! Excellent writing and refreshing (to say the least) perspective on the real story."

Ricardo J.

"Keep it going, comrades. You restore our faith in what should have been American values."

Sydney B.

"Thanks for your continued work in providing an excellent digest of important information."

Norman L.

"Cursor is a very valuable tool that I use daily to balance out my intake of world news. I think you and your publication are doing an outstanding job especially after 9-11. Keep up the good work and be assured there are people out here that really appreciate it."

Paul Z.

"An enlightened, fresh, useful, and comprehensive site. I enjoy it immensely."

Mohamed K.

"You're on my favorites list and read you everyday. Keep up the great least you give me a smile and "the truth, I hope." I pretty much read over the pond news, less and less in the states as it's such bullsh**."

Sian M.

"Oh, my! Do you just have the best site on the web??? I will spread the word in my small circle...You put out a whole lot to chew on. Got you in my go for it."


"Love your site/log; best monitor on US/Israel/9/11 since I discovered it a few months ago."

Jul Z.

"Thanks again for helping me sift through the daily garbage of the media..."


"Hello, I love, thanks for all the hard work."

Jason J.

"Cursor . . . An inspiring site. I donšt know if you were the first to use such a narrative style in Web news casting, but yours is the first that I noticed. And I remain grateful for the inspiration."

Joseph Q.

"Great Job ! Keep up the good work ! I gave up cable TV two month ago, because I was just simply disgusted with all the advertising, manipulation and lies. I feel much better now and thanks to you folks, there is still hope for us....."

Juergen S.

"I found this site through and I must say that I have not found your equal as far as gathering as much relevant news in one place."

Eric D.

"Thanks for running one of the best sites on the web, you do an awesome service."


"I want to compliment y'all for the concise, literate reviews and comments. Reading your page is a great pleasure. Schools ought to hold your writing as an example of correct and at the same time creative use of the "English Language" Keep setting the example!"

George P.

"I will probably visit your site a few more times. If you don't offend me the way normal TV news has, I will continue to visit."

Benjamin F.

"I've been hitting your site every day for months now -- it's my standard for getting the real story on current events, and thank you for doing it. It's a really great thing. When you were down yesterday, I had a bad scare. Good to see you're back. Please don't go away."

Jeff P.

"Whenever I get into a discussion of the news events of this time, I always refer friends, associates, or whatever audience I am addressing to your site. The articles are great and strong as stand-alone pieces, but remain best when digested as a editorial of the day. You all do fantastic work."

Arnold S.

"I was just browsing through your Cursor site today with such glee. It's really packed full of good things."

Katy R.

"Thanks to your refreshing point of view. All I'm interested in is the truth, no curves or spin. Just truth."

Jon W.

"Thanks for your continued work in providing an excellent digest of important information."

Norman L.

"Great stuff on Cursor today. Rumsfeld's 'known unknowns' and the gay Afghan warlord story made me laugh out loud. Keep up the sterling work!"

Brendan O.

"Your site is top notch! There is a real need for pointers to stories that go against conventional thinking. You provide that."

Bruce D.

"Thanks again for all the great content. I check at least once a day and have turned several friends on to your site. They now do the same."

Sean M.

"Even though I don't always agree with certain political views I have to tell you I think CURSOR.ORG is doing a fine job of presenting the truth unabated by the main stream media or by public opinion. Your hearts are in the right place and you give considerations to both sides of an issue. I visit your web site daily and fine it very well done. Thanks for doing a good job."

Paul Z.

"I love you guys! I love you. You have been one of my mainstays, the second site I check every day, after being sure my own corporate site is up and running. I trust you because you don't seem to put a whole lot of your own opinion into words, but instead provide links with minimal comments, letting the reader decide what meaning he or she will take from it."

Rebecca W.

"Thank you for your site. I am certain I would not be able to have the level of informedness otherwise."

Robert M.

"Love your site-I visit everyday - it's the best place on the web for insight and perspective- I'll never get my news from TV again."

Terry M.

"I want to thank you for your wonderful web site. You provide far more information and links than any American news reference. Again, Thank-you and your organization for your wonderful service to the WORLD."

Clause W.

"Keep up your fantastic work! We need you now more than ever."

Dorothea S.

"I love your site. I am particularly impressed with the broad and balanced coverage you give to all issues. Thank god there is a media outlet in the U.S. that has the balls to tell all sides of the issues. Take care and i'll be reading you."

George K.

"Cursor is so interesting because it offers reading matter that is not identified with the "Official Party Line" handed down by the mainstream media. I can think of several TV station news programs that send me almost immediately to the "vomitorium" Your hard work is appreciated out here in the wild West."

Richard W.

"I just so happen to be browsing the immense world ONLINE and came across your website. I could not stop reading article upon articles, that are posted on page. Your webpage is truly insightful and definitely an alternative to the mainstream bullshit propaganda that shamelessly professes to to be a so called "free press", i.e CNN, ABC and the never endling list goes on. You are clear example of what free press is truly about. Keep us the good work. I will tell me friends about this website. Thanks!"

Wyn. Z.

"I admire your excellent coverage and consult it frequently. I've recommended Cursor on various teach-in panels, on the radio here, etc. (and will continue to do so)."

John G.

"I have generally maintained a media blackout for many years but felt the need on Sept. 11 and afterwards to tap into others' knowledge/critical analysis of what was going on. The internet has been my sole source, and my preferred source. Many thanks for what you are doing."

Laura Z.

"I have been keeping a weblog on the Afghan crisis myself but you lot do it so much better. I think I will just send you links instead from now on and let you do all the work. Thanks for a great site...keep going."

Mike P.

"I LOVE CURSOR - and recommend it to all my friends. Great work, my friend."

David P.

"Hey, just want you folks to know you are doing a fantastic job. I don't know how you do it, but for the sake of our world I hope you can continue for a long, long time. I'm watching the mainstream news less and less and instead relying on websites (especially yours) to find out what's really going on."

Thomas P.

"I've recently discovered your site, and I think it is excellent. A great resource, and admirably unbiased."

Greg N.

"I am pleased to find out important news on this site, which is kept intentionally hidden from the general public by the corporate media. I salute your efforts and hope that your contribution would help in bringing justice in the world."

Riaz K.

"Editorperson, this is the best site on the Web."

Nicholas B.