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![]() ![]() "Third-rate men, of course, exist in all countries, but it is only here that they are in full control of the state, and with it all the national standards." by Brad Zellar Media criticism, almost of necessity, is something of a twelve-headed dog; in the current debased climate of public reportage and opinion there are simply never enough sets of teeth to go around. And in these days of intense and exasperated scrutiny, media criticism may just be America's favorite participation sport. All across America, in living rooms and offices and bars, popping off about the media and its absurdities and excesses has become a sort of democratic version of Mystery Science Theater, with people everywhere talking back to the television, ranting in the privacy of their cars, and tossing aside the morning newspaper in frustration. We at CURSOR are certainly no strangers to this populist bile, and of the many wonders of the World Wide Web, perhaps foremost is the opportunity it affords cranks and crackpots like ourselves to strut our stuff for an audience, however imaginary that audience may be. We do believe, however, that there are others out there just like us, fed up with the bottom feeders, bandwagon jumpers, pig pilers, glad handers, and opium peddlers of the media. We believe that the tired old saw about the journalist's responsibility being to "Afflict the comfortable, and comfort the afflicted," is increasingly irrelevant when members of the media are so often accorded a celebrity status that places them in the upper echelons of the comfortable; and where what is passed off as comfort is too often purely manipulative and exploitative and what passes for affliction is usually little more than the sniping of dimwits and morons. So what, then, does CURSOR aim to do? What is its mission? Well, for starters, to examine and recognize the public's wide complicity in the media's crimes of absurdity, inanity, and pandering, to take a look at our ongoing obsession with the cult of media personality (See: Budd Rugg, Media Parasite). We aim to provide links -both local and nationalto other sites of integrity and fresh insight, sites which exhibit a depth of news analysis or criticism or scorn that is too often missing in this market; to offer colorful and truly alternative takes on the stories of the day as well as on the continually eroding media ethics and standards nationwide; to bring together in one place some of the freshest and funniest writing currently available on the web. And, finally, absolutely, we intend to afflict the comfortable and, well, afflict the comfortable. Please weigh in and let us know what you think. Your ideas, opinions, and suggestions are always welcome here at CURSOR. |