Jesse Ventura Watch

Russert (heart) Ventura

A letter to Jim Romenesko's Media News:

From ROBERT SCHNAKENBERG: For God's sake, when is the national media going to stop catering to that contemptible buffoon Jesse Ventura? Shame on Tim Russert, Chris Matthews, and everyone else who has lent this overbearing political quack a megaphone over the past three years. Can anyone tell me what this man has ever said or done to warrant such exposure? He won a plurality of the vote in a nationally insignificant state known for its idiosyncratic political heritage. Wonderful accomplishment. Did we let Orville Faubus tour sites of national tragedy and go on Good Morning America to talk about it? Would we accord the same air time today to the governors of Hawaii, South Dakota, or Guam--all presumably elected by actual majorities? Oh, but I forget, those people aren't professional wrestlers. They also aren't bullies and charlatans. If the people of Minnesota don't eject this preening cockatiel from office at the next election, they'll have proven themselves nothing but jugheaded hicks addicted to the free publicity Ventura's dog and pony administration provides them.

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