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"You people are rock solid. I've been hitting your site daily for almost three years. Keep up the good work. "
"Thank you for maintaining journalism as a questioning, investigative field. perhaps sadder than the current political climate is the current business of American journalism. "
"You've kept me sane thanks to your efforts to combat the corporate press. "
"I get my paychecks from a mainstrem media corporation... I get most of my information about what my government is doing by way of Cursor. Thank you. "
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"Finally got a payday with a few bucks to spare. Things are tight but you are doing a great service."
"If only the networks and major newspapers were as diligent as you are. Don't ever stop doing what you're doing!"
"Cursor is the best resource on the 'net for anyone who wants to stay informed through a broad spectrum of sources."
"You are the best single source of daily news that progressives need to be aware of. Your digests are easy to read, informative, and timely. "
"I think it is so cool that you guys cull all kinds of media, from mainstream to "independent," which reminds me daily that there is good mainstream journalism too."
"The work you are doing is not only excellent and relevant; it is absolutely essential. It is the lifeblood of civil society."
"I find your site valuable in getting a fuller picture of the news. Keep up the good work!!"
"Thank you for news that isn't bland; for something I care enough to be angry about."