About Cursor
Cursor's signature editorial feature is a media, politics and international affairs digest called "Media Patrol," that contextualizes and critiques the dominant narrative of major news organizations by adding other critical, independent voices published on the Internet.
This makes for a broader read on the news than is available from either mainstream or alternative media, while fostering a democratized media landscape where corporate and independent news sources have equal weight. And by including commentary on the coverage, Cursor weaves together the story and the reporting of it.
Cursor was named the best Web site published in the Twin Cities three times in the last four years by alternative weekly City Pages. And in December 2004, Cursor won the Utne Independent Press Award for Online Political Coverage, among finalists that included: TomPaine.com, CounterPunch, Grist, and online-only features from The American Prospect, Washington Monthly and The Nation.
With a daily audience averaging between 15,000 and 20,000 visitors, Cursor has widespread appeal to general readers, as well as to journalists and commentators -- both mainstream and alternative -- who want a more complete picture of the media environment.
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Bringing It All Back Home
Rush, Newspeak & Fascism
Survivoring the News
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