Kudos for Media Transparency

"Hardly just a niche research site, Media Transparency takes the work out of tracking the conservative movement. The site combines its extensive search features with regularly updated information on some of the hottest policy issues in the conservative movement."

" An outstanding and very usable database of who funds what in the conservative world. If, for example, you recently read in the New York Times that the Discovery Institute for Public Policy is a leading proponent of Intelligent Design theory, you can go to this site to learn who has provided grant money to the institute."
Boston Phoenix

" For up-to-date tracking of the organizations and issues funded by conservative philanthropies, MediaTransparancy.org does an excellent job of following the money."
Common Wealth

" An encyclopedic look at the country's network of conservative philanthropists and operatives. It proves that, paranoia aside, there really is a vast right-wing conspiracy."
City Pages (Mpls./St. Paul)

" Some great background information on where that talking head on your TV comes from--and what his real agenda is."

" Media Transparency is another excellent 'gateway site' to current articles and commentary on political issues, from a progressive perspective. If you've had about your fill of 'the myth of the liberal media,' Media Transparency is an ideal place to turn for material for a refuting argument."
The Crisis Papers

" An intellectual and political resource for journalists and scholars doing research on the connections between right-wing foundations and public policy. It deserves recognition for its public service and the widest possible audience for the tireless research on this neglected topic undertaken by its founder, Rob Levine. Media Transparency is the essential tool for researching this movement."
Eric Alterman, The Nation

" This is a very clever and effective tool you've created and I compliment you on your achievement, even though we probably wouldn't agree on anything else."
David Horowitz/FrontPage

" Media Transparency has a nifty feature called the Fund-o-Meter, which lets you evaluate any web page on the Internet against their databases for signs of bias."
PR Watch

" I just discovered a really great site called Media Transparency which has a search engine to generate where any non-profit gets its money and who those funders give their money to. Truly an awesome resource."
Left Business Observer/LBO Talk

" I started picking a right-wing organization at random and going to Cursor's Media Transparency to see who is funding them. I did this several times. Guess what I found? There are hundreds of right-wing organizations, but they are almost all funded by a foundation whose name contains Scaife, Olin or Bradley, and a few others."
Seeing the Forest

" What an amazing site! (Great-looking, too.) Please keep doing what you're doing. You can count me as a strong supporter."
Joe Conason, Salon and New York Observer

" A great collection of resources for persons studying the funding of conservative ideas."
The Public Eye

" Media Transparency is a left-wing survey of conservative activity. It is valuable for conservative networking and comprehension of the far-left perspective on conservative free speech."
World Journalism Institute

" I'm a huge fan of Media Transparency. It has a fact-filled database and a powerful search engine that delivers timely and reliable information about how the conservative movement affects the mainstream media. Media Transparency embodies the best of the world-wide web."
Dan Moldea, author and investigative reporter

" If you have questions about any advocacy groups you hear about in the media, go to Media Transparency, type in the organization, click go and voila, the funders show up with the reasons given for granting the money. Click on the funders and get a profile and see who else they support. After a while, you will begin to see a pattern. Print out the organizations run by these foundations and keep next to your TV."

" News, opinion, analysis and investigative data related to links between conservative think-tanks, funding sources and influence."

" Media Transparency offers a wealth of information on 'the money behind the media' and it's 'backgrounder' on the movement is probably the best overview I've seen."
Democratic Underground